In Portally, you come in daily contact with new tenants who are searching for premises. Set which premises searches you want to match and get notified immediately when a new search matches your criteria.
Portally gives you control over the demand for premises in your area and makes it easier than ever to get in touch with new tenants.
Do you also want to wake up to new leads? Join today!
Filter by location, size, and type of premises.
Your premises will automatically be matched with search inquiries in the area.
Contact interesting tenants in Portally and continue the conversation.
Du förbinder dig inte till någon kostnad genom att använda Portally utan betalar först när du tecknat ett nytt hyresavtal. Vår förmedlingsavgift är 6% av en genomsnittlig årshyra. Fullständiga förmedlingsvillkor kan du läsa här.